Wednesday, September 30, 2009

AP Day 2

Crap... I am kicking myself..mentally of course. I keep getting the labs we did mixed up. So on my essay i fuse two of the labs we have done together. which i get points docked from my overall score. at least tomorrow we get to do multiple choice questions. Joy...only thing i got to say is GOOD LUCK AP test takers for any AP test


Well, today was the 1st day of the practice AP Biology test. Well, it sucked. I am happy that a least tried my hardest and i believe i did okay. We did 2 out of the 4 essays. tomorrow its going to be the last 2 essays. which is going to suck because its going to be harder questions.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Latest Obessions

Yes,  I have obessions, like everyone else. my lastes obessions are a couple of songs. two of them r here on blog sadly, i cant get the other ones up. But if i can i will =D

My Weekend

Yay! I have INTERNET back. I mean don't get me wrong i like camping....but when i have nothing to do while camping it sucks... and makes me want my internet back. Overall it was really fun. I went with the Carpinteria FFA. We got to know each other more. We r going to have great FFA chapter meetings. The cool part is that ANYONE is welcomed. =D

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yay! I have Multimedia today! today we have to make a header. I like mine =D hehehe

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


As I was messing with my facebk page, I found this "game" so now I have a "Vampire" named Alice Couer Noir. Sadly i missed spelled name its suppose to be Alice Coeur Noir ( black heart in french)

Sadness ='(

sadness ='( today i dont have my multimedia class. Sadness because its one of the fun classes that i have. today 2 out of my 3 classes were "hard" tomorrow is the same only that i have multimedia. omg i got a facebk yesterday. i was so suprise at myself for actually getting one. =)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


okay, this is so random(but i am new at the blogging buisness) but earlier in class Mr. Hegner (the teacher) showed us how to add fishes. So now look at the fishies swim. XD

Day 2

Well, its day 2! still weird. i guess its cuz i'm in class right now and the teacher is making us do a blog. so that makes it weird. okay i was in class, i didnt finish so i'm writing now. lol i still dont know what to write about. i guess i can start, for today, about my dog. Her name is olive and shes a 2 yr old Yorkie Poodle mix. She is likes to play and very social. She likes to play with her tennis ball ( that actually belongs to me, but she took) and her rope. The best part is when i throw the ball and she runs after it and over my little sister ( shes laying on the ground.)

Monday, September 21, 2009

About Me...and blog

Hello! This the center of what goes on, in my head I guess being channeled into the computer. =D
In this blog I will have updates on certain things, that I like, like books and movies, etc. This is my first time doing this so it feels weirds. It feels like I'm talking to myself in a way. This might show my randomness...basically my weirdness. XD