hahaha part 2...yeah right! ^^
Well all I have done so far is stayed at a friends house petsitting her dogs. Which was fun, kinda gave me an inside look at dormlife...when no one is there. XD

hahaha part 2...yeah right! ^^
Well all I have done so far is stayed at a friends house petsitting her dogs. Which was fun, kinda gave me an inside look at dormlife...when no one is there. XD
Posted by Cyndi at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Well its winter break and the guys have a couple of games. Today its was an away game , yes u guessed it, Santa Ynez. lol
They won 4-3!!
Good Job Guys!
Next Game is on Jan 05 and its HOME!! Its against Dos Pueblos (DP)
More Next time! Hahaha I now have something to do this winter break!! :D
Posted by Cyndi at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Today was a layed back day lol. I had my last two finals. I had my ceramics final, yeah I know Ceramics has a final. I had not studied, until I got to class, and lucky I remembered most of the stuff. lol Yea got my grade for that class, I only missed two of all of the questions, and I passed the class so its all good.
I also had AP Biology today, but we didn't have a final because we already took are final weeks ago. And I passed...lol which was cool.
yeah i have nothing to do, really. I work on most weekends and I am dog-sitting at my friends house. I will try to hang w/ my friends through out the winter break.^^
Posted by Cyndi at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Yeah! Four FINALS OVER!!
OH Yeah, yesterday I had Ap English and Pre-Calculus. Today I had Multimedia and Economics. lol not that I was worried about these finals. I had my hard ones on the first day so that was good. Now I can relax. ^^
Tomorrow I have my LAST FINALS!! Then its WINTER BREAK!! Woot! Woot!
Sadly the month after is scholarship month ( well thats what I call it lol XD ) b/c there are a lot of them due in Jan >.<
Posted by Cyndi at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Well, today was the first day of FINALS!!
I stayed up the previous night until one in the morning working on my first final, which was AP English. So for AP we had to do a project that no one in the class understood it. We finally understood project. We were suppose to present in class. (Which almost half of us did.) The teacher didn't even show up...and the people that went first took a lot of time, so the last ones had to cut down out presentation, which may end up affecting our grade. Man, I can't wait til college.... I know for sure this shit doesnt happen.
Second Final was on math, Pre-cal to be exact. =/ I have problems with math most of the time, and I didnt study for the test at all...b/c of AP English >.< I got there and i was like great i am going to fail *sigh*
I get the test and was like wow, I remember this stuff lol. I just had trouble on like five, so i wonder how i did.
Posted by Cyndi at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Well, my friend and I were excited for the game. We thought it wasnt going to get canceled because it wasnt raining. But NO, at around 10 in the morning the athletic director, announced that Boys Soccer was CANCELED...we were sad. =(
Boys Soccer is canceled for tomorrows game as well...
1. Warriors vs Morningside
2. Warriors vs Hueneme
Oh the other hand they play at Santa Ynez on December 22. Their next HOME game is on January 05 and they are playing against DP (Dos Pueblos)
Posted by Cyndi at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Okay so the Dec. FFA Mtg was the best meeting we have had soo far, and probably will ever have. WE MADE IT SNOW IN CARPINTERIA. 0.0
There was a relay race. There was 4 teams of 4. The 1st challenge was to wrap a box, then they had to run all the way outside and make a snowman, they then had to put the snowman on a wagon and take it back inside, where they had to chug down some eggnog.
Shortly after a snowball fight broke out inside of the Cafeteria. I took video of it =) hehehe, it was awesome, till someone tried to hit the guy next to me but it hit my hand...o.o and i was holding my camera. It wasn't safe, for my camera, so i went outside. It turns out that the fight went from inside to the outside. I also got some footage of that too. =D
The meeting then continued. And everyone that was there helped clean up which was awesome!
Pics are on my facebook while vids are on my youtube. =D
Posted by Cyndi at 11:47 PM 0 comments
So I went to the girls soccer game at the high school, but my friend and I left early, they were taking too long to start the game...lol plus idk we just like watching the boys soccer team. Now, dont take that the wrong way. i know most of the girls on the soccer team.
Anyways the girls won 4-3, against the team that they lost to last year in the championships (i think)
Posted by Cyndi at 11:27 PM 0 comments
I had just enough time to do 2 flyers.
Posted by Cyndi at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Woot! The December FFA is almost here!! Yes, its tomorrow. This was MY worst meeting in terms of doing my "job."
I have NO artistic talent whatsoever so I am incharge of the PR committee. So, I plan the basic outlines for both the Flyers and the big Posters; I let my friends who joined the committee ( by force ^^) make it there own.
Well, this meeting...my gothic friend could not DEAL with the meetings them...Disney, and didnt do the flyers at all. My poster friend...had no time to do them inbetween college apps and AP courses. *sigh*
I would have done posters but I can't draw at all. I managed to come up with a crappy flyer using photoshop, which i'll post...when i download from email
I hope the meeting goes well tomorrow. *sigh*
oh and we got to dress as a dang disney character....so i had to find a last min costume....that was "homemade" yea FML right now =(
Posted by Cyndi at 12:18 AM 0 comments
So apparently the weather over in Atascadero was kind of harsh for them that they got over playing in the literally freezing cold weather. They just wanted to lose and go back home. Unfortunatly they won the last three games lol
By winning those games in total they won 4 games and lost 1. In the end they won the Cats & Hounds Tourney with first place i believe. so YEA GO GUYS!!
Next game is this friday, and i hope to have more details.
I will have more details for home games just not away games...they tend to not want to talk about it in detail lol idk y ...
Posted by Cyndi at 7:22 PM 0 comments
I SWEAR that I have NO IDEA on how i get addicted to certain things, it just happens.
1st there is Naruto...the manga not the anime. i think i would get bored of the anime faster then the manga. In about one week i have read over 100 chapters...T_T and i am getting closer to the lastest chapters. o.o i did some research on it and omg! it started in 1999 and its still going. =O
2nd addiction is Big Bang's Gara Gara GO! its a cool upbeat song...=D is not stuck in my head really but i do like it. I dnt know y its not stuck in my head...b/c u know i have heard it at least 12 times 0.0 and its not stuck in my head...
3rd addiction is 2ne1 ( pronounced twenty one) I am addicted w/ their singles Pretty Boy and Fire... i only have the beat in my head...lol...but some of the words are getting stuck too.
that is it for latest addictions so far...XD
Posted by Cyndi at 10:18 PM 0 comments
November 30, 2009...college apps due...one stress gone =D Now, i got to finish taking my SATs and ACT.. thats OVER in December...=(
After December comes January...which is when applying for scholarships starts. WOW senior year is packed with things to do. lol
>.< Sometimes i think senior year needs a step-by-step manuel to go w/ it. lol
Posted by Cyndi at 10:40 PM 0 comments
The Results r in!!
The boys played to games, today. They won the first game... 2-1 and lost the 2nd game 1-2 *sadness* =(
Tomorrow the r suppose to play 2 more as well. I hope all goes well with the guys over there in Atascadero.
chaiyou! ( i think its spelled that way lol >.< ) anyways GIVE IT UR ALL!! and
remember...HAVE FUN!! =D
Posted by Cyndi at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Boys soccer plays at the Cats & Hounds Tourney in Atascadero today since its 12:02 in the morning as i write this. They leave at 5:00 in the morning today. They are to play 4-6 games in 2 days, Friday and Saturday. I should be getting the scores when they come back. so STAY tune. ^^
Beat them.. I know u can...break ur tie record!!
Posted by Cyndi at 12:07 AM 0 comments
NEXT GAME for Varsity is Fri Dec 04- Sat Dec 05 at Atascadero...unfourtunatly i can not go since its on a school day and its an all day event. =(
Warriors are going to play in something called Cats & Hounds Tourney. They will play 2-3 teams on friday and on saturday, a total of 4-6 games.
Since i am not going i dont know how much information i can get about the results from the Cats & Hounds Tourney.
Posted by Cyndi at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Today was an intense game! In the first halftime Warriors were winning by 2-0 and by the it ended up being 3-3. ANOTHER tie for the Warriors so far! There were no red cards in this game, but there was a Yellow Card, Buena's #10 kicked Warrior's # 20 b/b 20 wanted to steal the ball and kind of missed and hit 10 so he turns and hits. Man what a ways to start off the season!!
so far its been 3 ties!
Scores So Far!
1. 0-0
2. 2-2
3. 3-3
WOOT! WOOT! FINALLY CAUGHT UP lol...from now on i hope to have more details about the games ^^
Posted by Cyndi at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Wow good game!
This game happened on Nov. 30
>.< ay i am lagging it on posting lol
Score was 2-2
Posted by Cyndi at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Soccer Season has begun...of course not today but on November 24, the Warriors play against Santa Barbara.
I cant stay for the JV games but i will go to the Varsity games. =D
The score was 0-0! Warriors tied w/ SB!!
GO warriors!!
Posted by Cyndi at 8:20 PM 0 comments
well a little while ago my sister wanted to try my tamale ( which has some chiles) and i gave her a bit...with chiles. =D She took it and ate it and then she ran to get water. i also wanted water, so i asked her for some water and she chugged all the water and then handed me the empty bottle. I smacked it out of her hands and it bounced of the refrige and the sofa. So, she started to laugh, while she had water in her mouth, then she she started to choke or drown (w/e u want to call it.) Which made her laugh more. lol
Posted by Cyndi at 6:01 PM 0 comments
ForMr. Warrior i kind of forgot to say who won =D hehehe not my fault anyways
Congratulations John
Posted by Cyndi at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was the MR. WARRIOR at the Carp. Middle School ( even tho it was for the high school students.) I went, all the guys were awesome! I took videos of most of the show. =( sadly my camera ran out of batteries 15-20 minutes before it ended. It was really fun to see all the guys' preforming. I will try to get the pics and vids on Facebook...once comp is out of coma. T_T
yes i am on a school comp. my normal laptop is in a coma...but there is hope i am suppose to get cable very soon!! yay! XD
Posted by Cyndi at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Hehehe...got to love october, not just cuz i was born on october...tomorrow actually (10/15).But its time for witches, goblins, and vampires. Plus i get to say "magic spells" to my siblings. well, that means i just recite some poetry like shakespeare...cuz they dont know him =D... and they freak out and think that i am calling my "witch" friends. Yep, got to love october ^ ^
Posted by Cyndi at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Well, today is the 1st day it rains since... i don't know when XD. It is also time for the Seniors to try not to panic because it time to apply to the UC's. I have applied to 4 i believe, but i don't what my 1st choice would be. If i dont make it to any then ...to City College.
Posted by Cyndi at 11:17 AM 0 comments
So my laptop, which is my life, has gone into a coma. I can't use a computer as much anymore.I have looked for the cable that will revive my comp...yea not happening anytime soon.so its still in a coma. I failed my practice AP Bio test... so now i have a D in the class.my only happiness is that i am not the only one. Yea my life sucks right now...i am suprise that i am not emo yet.
Posted by Cyndi at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cyndi at 12:48 AM 0 comments
little turtle
La la la la la
La la la la la
This song is for a person
Music replaces my word
Affection only increase not reduce
The moment i kiss her face
The earth turn and sky spins
The feeling of love
Is sweeter then cherry
Both eyes emits sparks
Can surpass the limit
Makes people forget the season
Love becomes classic
Gives all my love to her
Want you to be my little turtle forever
I love you
(x to xxxx)
(xxx to xxxx)
(xx to xxxx)
Posted by Cyndi at 12:40 AM 0 comments
la la la la la
la la la la la
(x to xxxx)
(xxx to xxxx)
(xx to xxxx)
Posted by Cyndi at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Wow it was freaken intense! I had a slight fever but i was still okay . we went second so i started to panic and i made some mistakes but nothing obvious. My team (the chapter officers) won 2nd place. santa paula and carp team were the best yet we didnt get 1st and none of understood how 4 out of our 6 team members got awards and we still didnt get 1st and the team that did... no one from their team got any of the awards for their team members and they still won. because of that everyone was pissed...except me =D i was trying not to pass out from the fever that i had since i woke up. you can see the pics i took of the o/c on facebook, the photos r opened to everyone. =)
Posted by Cyndi at 9:15 PM 0 comments
I have taken a quiz to see what house (from Harry Potter) I got GRIFFINDOR. Yay! I am in the same house as the main main characters of the Harry Potter series. Now on to my secret personality quiz results. oh wow i am soo depressed now. Thats a LIE i say LIES!
What is Your Secret Personality?
I am Secretly a Glamorous Diva
You have a fantastic outlook on life, a superior sense of style, and a charisma that makes those around you take notice. You secretly want to be the center of attention and daydream about being famous one day. Check out Secret Scent Expressions in Va Va Vanilla for a product designed for your personality!
Posted by Cyndi at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Cody is mad at me. He says he's not special. He says that my blog writing fonts is cooler than his and then asks WHY?! he is also mad cuz he has no followers. Cody is singing and its scary. well not singing he is just listening and smiling really big to the music on his mp3.
Posted by Cyndi at 11:50 AM 2 comments
Crap... I am kicking myself..mentally of course. I keep getting the labs we did mixed up. So on my essay i fuse two of the labs we have done together. which i get points docked from my overall score. at least tomorrow we get to do multiple choice questions. Joy...only thing i got to say is GOOD LUCK AP test takers for any AP test
Posted by Cyndi at 11:39 AM 2 comments
Well, today was the 1st day of the practice AP Biology test. Well, it sucked. I am happy that a least tried my hardest and i believe i did okay. We did 2 out of the 4 essays. tomorrow its going to be the last 2 essays. which is going to suck because its going to be harder questions.
Posted by Cyndi at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Yes, I have obessions, like everyone else. my lastes obessions are a couple of songs. two of them r here on blog sadly, i cant get the other ones up. But if i can i will =D
Posted by Cyndi at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Yay! I have INTERNET back. I mean don't get me wrong i like camping....but when i have nothing to do while camping it sucks... and makes me want my internet back. Overall it was really fun. I went with the Carpinteria FFA. We got to know each other more. We r going to have great FFA chapter meetings. The cool part is that ANYONE is welcomed. =D
Posted by Cyndi at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Yay! I have Multimedia today! today we have to make a header. I like mine =D hehehe
Posted by Cyndi at 10:49 AM 3 comments
As I was messing with my facebk page, I found this "game" so now I have a "Vampire" named Alice Couer Noir. Sadly i missed spelled name its suppose to be Alice Coeur Noir ( black heart in french)
Posted by Cyndi at 10:55 PM 0 comments
sadness ='( today i dont have my multimedia class. Sadness because its one of the fun classes that i have. today 2 out of my 3 classes were "hard" tomorrow is the same only that i have multimedia. omg i got a facebk yesterday. i was so suprise at myself for actually getting one. =)
Posted by Cyndi at 3:06 PM 2 comments
okay, this is so random(but i am new at the blogging buisness) but earlier in class Mr. Hegner (the teacher) showed us how to add fishes. So now look at the fishies swim. XD
Posted by Cyndi at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cyndi at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Hello! This the center of what goes on, in my head I guess being channeled into the computer. =D
In this blog I will have updates on certain things, that I like, like books and movies, etc. This is my first time doing this so it feels weirds. It feels like I'm talking to myself in a way. This might show my randomness...basically my weirdness. XD
Posted by Cyndi at 12:08 PM 0 comments